“Is Fit Dead?” Conversation Summary

Eric Lefevre-Ardant has an excellent transcript of a discussion about Fit that I participated in on Twitter a few weeks ago. Here's an excerpt:

It was kicked off by an interview of Ward Cunningham and James Shore on Hanselminutes where Ward & James were asked whether Fit was dead.

Bob Martin first reacted on Twitter by pointing out that, at any rate, “FitNesse is thriving”, along with Slim, a new system that can be used by Fitnesse as an engine to run the test tables.

Michael Feathers replied that, in his view, Fit was more appropriate as a seed for other works: “Take it, grow it locally, and never commit back.” This seems confirmed by James Shore, a former leader of the Fit project (and a successor to Ward in that role): “Fit core was intentionally resistant to change [...] from an organizational perspective”

Interestingly, James believes that both Fit and Fitnesse have “similar flaws, which could be solved by another approach”:

  • Fit flaw #1: maintenance. HTML is hard to maintain and refactor.”
  • Fit flaw #2: Customers. Customers don’t generate the documents, and that was the whole idea.”
  • Fit flaw #3: Programmers. Fit loves domain models and Whole Value. Most programmers don’t. Impedance mismatch.”

If you're interested in Fit, FitNesse, or similar tools, it's well worth the read.

Read the whole transcript here.

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