Experience Reports Deadline Approaching Fast
January 26, 2006
The deadline for experience reports proposals for Agile 2006 is approaching fast. January 31st is the last day for submissions.
Presenting an experience report is a great way to advance your career. It's a gentle introduction to the world of professional speaking and conferences. (In fact, my first-ever professional public speech was delivering an experience report at the first XP conference.) At Agile 2006, we provide lots of hand-holding for the first-time speaker. Each accepted experience report is assigned a "shepherd" to help guide you through the process.
Not that experience reports are just for first-time speakers. I think experience reports are where the real innovation comes from, particularly in a field like agile software development. Experience reports are all about real people doing real work and reporting on what worked--and, just as importantly, what didn't work. No theory--just hands-on results.
If you'd like to present an experience report at Agile 2006, it's not too late to work on your proposal. All we need is a one-to-two page extended abstract. If your proposal is accepted, we'll assign you a shepherd and ask you to write a six-to-ten page paper, which will be due sometime around May. At the conference (July 23-28), you'll give a 25-minute presentation about your experience.
All you need is an agile experience to share. For more information, see the Experience Reports page of the Agile 2006 website. We have a sample proposal available; you may also be interested in reading some of the complete experience reports from last year.
The deadline is January 31st! I hope to see your proposal soon.
(And for something completely different, check out Waterfall 2006. Link courtesy of Rebecca Wirfs-Brock.)